15 January 2011

People are a mystery.

i don't understand them at all. 
i don't understand the double standards, the guilt, the judgement. 
i'm doing them as we speak. 
i dislike double standards, but i have some.
i'm judging the people for judging. 

i have as much of a forked tongue as everyone else, and i say vengeful things like the rest of you, but the thing i absolutely hate is being guilt tripped over something that is none of your concern.

what i do is my business.
if it involves you, it's also your business. if it doesn't, it's not, so keep your comments to yourself. 

i'm sorry i don't live the life you'd want me to live, and i'm sorry if it changes your perception of me. 
i'd love you the same no matter what you did.
i love you for you, not what you do. 

i tell people this all the time. you can't give man free will, and then try to control someone else's. you can't take something that should be a want and make it a requirement. 

you want me to get biblical? i'll get biblical. 
God gave man free will so we would love Him because we WANT to love Him, not because we have to. He's not a dictator, and even though he could make us, he doesn't. 
there are three categories of people who can make you do anything against your will.
1. God.
2. Your parents.
3. Your boss/superiors.
not you, not me, not anyone else. 

my name is blake, and i don't know what to think anymore.

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