29 September 2010

I suck at Tetris because I was never good at fitting in.

omggg. i cannot keep doing splits before i stretch because i am tearing my ligaments UP. :( 

So, yesterday I tried the whole eating three meals a day thing. Disgusting. I feel so bloated and just miserable right now. I'll stick to the 1 1/2 I've been barely getting. I really need to go to the gym more, but I can't stand to go without someone there to at least run next to me. It's not like you can really talk while you're on a treadmill or whatever but the presence helps. 
Swimming's also fun to do, but I will never do that without someone. I can't swim well enough to do laps by myself and I dare not go in the outside pool without someone to talk to, lol.
I really want someone to take yoga, kick boxing, zumba or pilates with me. We tried to take a zumba class Monday night but India ran out, so Joe and I followed her. Lame. I wish I had gotten the spot in the back near Ashley. 
I'm hoping to do it again sometime. Friday after Geology would be a fun time to swim, while it's still sunny and warm. It was bitterly cold at night, but that's a good thing because I'm sick and tired of this heat. Lawd. 
Last night was sleepover #2. It was fun to watch the remakes of Katy Perry's "Peacock" and "California Gurls" with them. Though, I found out I pale in comparison to Daniel when it comes to tetris. I didn't even win once. I came close to taking 1/3 of a game, but alas, I failed in the end. Shocker. Ashley was worse than I was though. 


Too bad Daniel has him. Oh well.

Ughughugh. I hate Public Speaking so much. It's such a useless class to go to. The chapters are 9 pages long and she talks about them like they're so full of content she'll burst at the seams if she doesn't spill her guts about it. Like, really? Just get our speech topics and let me go get back in bed until 11. That's all I ask. 
I love Mrs. Rigsby as a person, she's really sweet. But, as a teacher, she's quite annoying. She just writes everything on the board that's already in the book and tells us to discuss it.
There's nothing to discuss, honey, it's already there. 
But whatever. I wonder if Sparks is any different. I hope she isn't a crotchety old lady.
I don't think she will be. She has a good rating, and the chili pepper means she's visually appealing. But, from what I'm seeing from her reviews she's just like Rigsby. She uses powerpoints to get her message across, but emails them to you. Stupid. I wish I had known this so I didn't have to buy the book.
Bb $36.
Speak of the devil, it's time to go to the most pointless class I've ever taken!
Someone teach me how to Apparate so I don't have to walk, please? I'm of age. :(

Mayday Parade - Champagne's For Celebrating (I'll Have a Martini)

28 September 2010

Some people just shouldn't.

Joe sent me a link last night, but I left my heapdhones in my car and my roommate and his friend were in here, so I didn't get to watch it. I was quite eager to wake up and watch it because it looked freaking terrible.
I was right, it was quite bad. 
I've always been the kind of person to make fun of someone, then feel bad and wish I hadn't, but this woman should just put down the video camera and stop trying. 
Please, take a look. 

Isn't she hot? I thought so, too. 
Especially the burp near the end. 

Wow, what an attractive face to show up there. Lol. :\
I got really bored sitting here waiting for 9 to roll around so I could do my PSA. I already recorded it, so the first part of this is useless, but I wanted to upload it anyway. 

Ugh, I just got back from Foosackly's with India and I feel disgusting. I hate eating fried stuff now. Bloat city ewww. I had to drop her off at the Mitchell Center for work, now I'm doing nothing. I think I'm going to record a video response to that hot piece of tail up there and tell her how amazing she is and that she is my new roll model. 
It will be joyous. Please look for it in the future.
My YouTube.


27 September 2010

Blowin' my mind like a quantum bomb.

It's really quite annoying when you try not to think of something but your mind always seems to come back to it, isn't it? Whatevs. It's making me feel like a huge creeper. :| 

Ugh, I still have to do this stupid PSA for my radio class. Someone come sit with me in the lab tomorrow and laugh at me while I try to figure out how anything works. D: 

For reasons unknown, Daniel has me on the hunt for old DCOM and Halloween movie torrents. Last night I introduced him to the wonders of Demonoid, downside is it'll take a few days for all the downloads to finish. Ha. 
That gave me an idea as a Halloween costume though. Pirate? First mate? Well, I'm already doing the sailor thing. Might was well stay seaworthy. 

I really don't feel like taking a shower, but I need to. Like, I just want to crawl into bed and cuddle my pillow and not move. :v 

i wanna take a ride on ya disco stick.
LoveGame - Lady Gaga

26 September 2010

Lights. Camera. Fashion.

What a cliché name. Oh well. It's true. That's a lot of what's been happening this week. the Communication Association held its I Am Glam fashion show this past Thursday. Daniel had me jump on the bandwagon as security. I know most people would be like, "Blake? SECURITY? BAHAHA..." Oh, wait. That was the reaction I got most of the time. 
I mean sure, I'm not the most intimidating person in the world, but I can chase and tackle someone if I need to. Sadly, I didn't need to. I was really hoping I would get to kick someone out or something. Those kind of things excite me. I mainly just stood there and talked to Daniel and Ashley while they waited for people to come on the red carpet.
I'm getting ahead of myself.

Okay. So, for work I have to go to a place in Prichard called Light of the Village. It's a little Christian center run by John and Dolores Eads. Every Thursday we help with their after school program from 3:30-5. Red flag.. I'm supposed to be at the fashion show at 5. Uh oh. I already missed it last week to study for a test, if I missed it this week my boss would be majorly pissed at me. I tried to work out a compromise, started getting annoyed and finally got a breakthrough with Mary Candace and Alan. They said I could get there at 5:30 and that'd be fine. Awesome. 
blah blah blah
We went, I pushed the same kid on a swing for an hour. Talk about pain. We were all going to leave around 4:45 because we all had things to get to, we ended up leaving around 4:55 because Molly likes to talk a lot. We get back, I drive to my dorm like a crazy person and jump directly into the shower. I was praying my roommate wasn't in the shower because he was with us but left in the other car earlier, and we were all equally sweaty. Thankfully he wasn't. Bueno. 
So, showering, getting dressed, doing hair, and getting to the Mitchell Center took about 10 minutes. I was slightly impressed by myself. 
k this part is boring.
fast forward. 

For the fashion show, there was a red carpet just before the area designated for seating with the logos of all the stores who rented clothes to the models. Buckle, Lotus, Hourglass. Daniel was the photographer for the Communication Association. There were two random ones that kept getting in the way. Psh. 
Most of the time I was dancing to the music while people were being seated and talking to Ash while Daniel took pictures. It was a lot of fun. Especially when it was dead and I would run over there to get a quick shot to remind myself how not-photogenic I am. :)

There were some of Daniel and I but idk what he did with them. It was a lot of fun, though. Afterwards the three of us went to walmart to buy hotdogs and made a random dinner of hot dogs and mac & cheese. nom nom. 
Then watched movies and had a sleepover at Daniel's apartment. Much preferred alternative to going out and drinking. Friday was class, funnn. Then we just sat at Daniel's all day while he edited the photos to put on Facebook for everyone. Wasn't much fun for either of us. Haha. 
I forgot I have stuff in the laundry room. Oops. 

Ouch. I found a really hot quarter in the dryer. 

So, yeah. Fun stuff. :)

peace out boyscout.
Lady Gaga - The Fame

21 September 2010

Chick Flicks, Chick Music .. & Chicken.

Whoever coined the term "Chick Flick" will forever be on my naughty list. With such a name, for a male to willingly enjoy a so-called "chick flick" is absurd. I hate this, because they are one of my favorite types of movies. Next to Zombie movies. Weird taste, I know. Anyway. This seems like a rant post, and it probably will be. 
So.. the chick flick. Characteristics? 

  • Chick flick is slang for a film designed to appeal to a female target audience. Although many types of films may be directed toward the female gender, "chick flick" is typically used only in reference to films that are heavy with emotion or contain themes that are relationship-based (though not necessarily romantic).
What are some popular chick flicks? 
  • Twilight
  • New Moon
  • Dear John
  • The Notebook
  • Titanic
  • Letters to Juliet
  • Eat, Pray, Love
Okay, Titanic is like my favorite movie ever. The sappy romance movies usually don't do it for me, but something about this one is just beautiful. Everything about it is great. The douchebag husband-to-be, the snotty mother, the street urchin, the apparently not-so-rich but captivating girl. Everything. It's one of the few movies to make me cry. Celine Dione's track "My Heart Will Go On" doesn't help either.

The Twilight's were okay. I liked them, but they were really annoying and cliché. Idk. They were cute, and I love Kristen Stewart, but they were just.. idk. Next.

I laughed during The Notebook, I'm not sure why. I couldn't help myself. I don't deal well with the "Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!" type movies. Heart-wrenching moments like that are hilarious. 

I haven't seen the others. I love the extremely cutesy girl movies like Spice Girls, Material Girls junk like that that I don't remember at the present moment. 

Now, onto the "Chick Music" .. my biggest problem. I love music, a little too much to be honest. My taste is a little different from those of normal people. I like foreign music. A lot. Like, a whole lot. Mostly Korean. Some Japanese. Even some Mandarin. I don't know why, it just has a very fun feel to it. Anyway, the American music I like is classified as female-targetted. 
It's true. I have no shame in this. I love Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Selena Gomez, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, etc. 

I feel sorry for people driving in front of me when I have a good song on, because I tend to dance around as much as I can while being strapped in and immobile from the waist down. It can't be pretty to an outside party. I also sing at the top of my lungs, which I hope nobody ever has to hear. That's a punishment that should never be dished out. 

And chicken is just being included in this post because it is the wonder meat. I love it very good. Fried, grilled, boiled, smoked, BBQ'd, sautéed, stuffed. Whatever. It's just good. 

Whatevs. It's overrated to conform. Just because I live in Alabama doesn't mean I have to act like an Alabamian. I'll stick to my bright colors, fun music, and cute movies. 

Peace out boyscout. 

20 September 2010

The Human Centipede ....

is by far the most messed up movie I've ever seen. It wasn't as vomitacious as I thought it would be, but the concept + followthrough of it was just sick. 

Haven't heard of it? Consider yourself lucky. The basic story is there's a freaky German doctor who is a renown surgeon, specializing in Siamese siblings. He has quite the obsession with them, he loves them. It starts off with two very bad actresses being stupid and trying to get to some party; they get a flat. shocker. They decide to trek through the woods and come to a pretty house, go in, ask for help, drink the water. stupid. The water is laced with something, they pass out. Serves you right.
Don't wanna ruin the fun. Long story short, three people get sewn ass to mouth and are forced to live like that. The first is fed dog food, the second eats the first's you-know-what and the third eats the second's you-know-what. Yummy, makes you wanna run out and get something to eat doesn't it?
-shudders- I don't even want to think about this anymore. I'm getting the willies thinking about it. 

18 September 2010

내가 미쳤나 봐..

Hah, I don't know how, but India convinced me to go to the foamapalooza thing tonight. It was fun. It was mostly fun because I was able to rekindle the friendship she and I had two years ago. :) Deanne and I also go to get all friendly! It was precious. :D 

Oh, how I missed fun times like these. It was mad awkward in there, though. I don't dance, and body parts were shaking all around me. Not to mention inhaling suds can't be good for one's health. I won a shirt though, that's all I cared about. And there was free food. I can handle being uncomfortable for free stuff. 
Afterwards, India and Joe wanted to go swimming at the rec center, but first we had to get the soap from the crevices where they should never be. Well.. this combination of soap, mud & sweat. :\ 
We tried the "shower" they had set up, it just pissed us off and caused major pain by washing the soap from my hair into my eyes. Oh joy. We decided to "trek" across the parking lot to India's dorm so we could shower and be presentable to get into the pool. Only problem was, Deanne doesn't have a student ID so we couldn't get her into the front door, especially now that they're checking. Pfft. Rude. 
We schemed up a little plan to sneak her in the back door; she wasn't there to swim, I just wanted someone to keep me company because I don't deal well with public pools, idk why. Well, we got down there and in nice red letters we see: 
Ugh. So much for that. Then I sucked up to the wrong lifeguard, I probably could have gotten her in if she was outside, but I got a "You're so cool!" from her, so that made me happy. In the end, I decided to go back to the dorm and keep her company until the other two finished their frolicking. It was fun. We talked and revealed each other's dirty secrets and striking similarities. It's good to know someone with the same views and situation as me.. sort of. 
Then, for a reason only God knows, they started trying to find 2girls1cup and other fetish sex videos. Haaa.. no. 2G1C made me puke the first time I saw it, I'd fall out cold a second time. Luckily they couldn't find it, but they did find the Bottle Guy. Oh. My. God. Worst thing ever. Why ANYONE would film themselves sitting on a mason jar, shatter it with their sphincter, then proceed to pick the shards of glass from his bleeding anus, I will never know. Nor do I want to know. If I ever get that kind of mentality, please end my suffering. Thank you.

Blah blah blah blah ..

It's like, midnight by now. Somehow we started talking about ice cream and we all got hungry and decided we wanted to hit up walmart. Heck yeah, who isn't down for a midnight ice cream run at walmart?! Off we goo! 

Turns out none of us get just what we came for. We see fun stuff and decide to buy it because we're starving like the broke college kids we are. Food aisles woot! First stop was the bakery though. Discount birthday cakes ftw. We didn't get one though, tear. They were dirt cheap though. 

They were going to watch something called like, "Big Gay Musical" or something. Not sure. I couldn't keep myself awake. That was like, an hour and a half ago, though. Other reasons made me want to stay awake but we'll save those for another day. ;)

Peacock by Katy Perry is reallllly good, just sayin'.


17 September 2010

You've got to be kidding me..

Okay, I've known all my life that I'm a bad driver, but this takes the cake. Not one, but TWO accidents in the same day? Wtf! 
Yes, you read correctly. Two in one day. Gg. 

See, I'm a highly stressful person, I don't do well with people asking things of me left and right and hmm, that's what happened yesterday! I was getting "I need you at work asap" texts, I was rushing so I wouldn't miss my friends presentation to our class (which I missed) and overall just stressed out over the past two weeks' events. It's nobodies fault but mine. All in all, I can't park to save my life, quite literally. Some chick was just chilling in the aisle I was aiming for because it was pretty empty, so I sat there for her to come out; she didn't budge. I'm going to find her car and slash her tires. I'm going up the next one, praying for a spot without anyone beside it, lo and behold there are none: f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s. So I try to park next to a '99 Sentra, misjudge it and here comes that sweet sound that could only be the sound of sheet metal getting to know its partner on a very personal level. This was followed by a series of loud, panicky swear words. I called the police, left info, done deal. Insurance would pay for it, I could calm down.

Not so fast.

Later that night, my roommate asked if I wanted to go to sushi with him and Ashley. I love sushi. I couldn't say no and not hate myself. They were going to a movie afterward, I was going to study, so I drove. Mistake #1. I'd been on edge all day since the first one, but after that I pulled back into the dorm parking lot, but I was precariously close to a truck on the left side. I can't back out, so I tried to get closer to the Eclipse on the right side, so I backed up ever so slightly, and .. yep, you guessed it. Scraaaaaape. Eff my life. Some girl had been driving pretty close to the bumpers of the parked cars and apparently was involved with her boyfriend or someone on the phone because it was just a straight up t-bone. I never did pay attention in driver's Ed as to who had the right-of-way for backing up. I don't think it's the one backing up. Whatever. 

On a bright note, I forgot all about it until this morning when I saw the dents, scrapes, and all the other goodies I had received the previous day. 

Oh well. Nobody was hurt, that's the positive, I guess. 

And they say women can't drive. Pfft. They haven't met me yet. This also gave me my topic for my special occasion speech: The award for Worst Driver and a RDA (Reckless Drivers Anonymous) meeting. It's going to be lovely, I'm all about making fun of myself in front of people. I'm actually kind of excited for it. 

15 September 2010

"I'm Mrs. She's-Too-Big-Now-She's-Too-Thin."

So my friend Stephanie and I have decided to commit ourselves to escaping the life of the fatass. Here I go talking to my imaginary audience, but whatevs. 
Why? Well, many reasons. It sucks to be the elephant in the room, quite literally sometimes, to be one getting passed by all the "skinny bitches" hoofing it to class while you're praying that you can make the last step without toppling backwards and causing a massive pile up of bodies at the base of the stairs.  For these reasons we've decided to cut what we eat, kill ourselves in the gym three- to four days a week, and bitch the other out if the diet is violated.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, not really. The bitching part is probably the easiest. Well, not so much.. See, Stephanie lives in New York, which I so clearly do not. 

--holy crap something just knocked on my window and scared the crap out of me--

Anyway. The two of us are going to attempt to blog about how it's going and how much it sucks and everything. Thing is,  I've kinda got a head start - I'll act like my imaginary audience knows me and that I've lost ~50 lbs in the past 8 months. If they didn't they do now. kthxbye.
Luckily, I've found a gym partner! Hopefully I can keep up with him because I'm pretty sure he won't have a problem keeping up with me. 

--random/disgusting fact but my hands smell disgusting from picking up millipedes in Daniel's apartment. grosss. --

We were going to start today but I didn't feel like waking up, and Daniel didn't want to start the gym until next week. I had planned to go at 6 a.m., but I'll adjust that for him. Easier on me, that's for sure. Only problem is I'm not sure if I can do MWF after Geology because I'm supposed to be at work at 12:15 on Mondays. Bummer. Oh well, we'll work out the kinks later.

So, thus marks the beginning of what's sure to be a bumpy ride. :)
Thank you for listening, imaginary audience.

.. this could actually make public speaking a little easier. woooot. 

Blast from the past. [ Explicit Content ]

Recently after taking my first steps towards meeting new people getting to know people who want to meet me, I took a stroll down memory lane, back to two years ago. High school was over, college hadn't started. I like to refer to this time as "limbo." That summer was the best. India and I were practically attached at the hip and somewhere along the lines Cassi came in. Cassi bugged the hell out of me, ngl, but the three of us had a lot of fun. 
I was digging around my YouTube channel after I deleted all the videos I used to have up there and found the ones India had managed to salvage from that summer.
Beware - They aren't pretty at all.

India and I liked to sleep all day and hang out all night, ending up back home around 5-6 a.m. My parents hated this, but they rarely knew I wasn't there, unless they woke up and saw my car wasn't there. Uh oh. Anyway. This particular night India and I decided to put out chef pants on and bake a cake. We were also too impatient to let it cool, so the icing melted all over the place. Good times. Featuring: India, Krista

This was always a classic. Krista starts out with a slap, India answers back with a series of them. Featuring: India, Krista, India's mom

I don't even want to admit this was me. Ew. It's so gross. I randomly get really southern and I have a TERRIBLE accent in this. Please skip. Featuring: India

Hahahaha, this was embarrassing. Well, the first night we played with it, it scared the shit out of India and she refused to do anything else with us. We're obviously moving it but it was fun to make each other believe it was actually moving. For some reason India is more focused on my ass than anything else. Featuring: India, Cassi

Haha, this was one of our main forms of entertainment that summer. Laughing at how we all sucked at singing and tried our hardest anyway. Apparently I sound like a drag queen, which I do in this one. It's better now, I promise. Now I just sound like Queen Latifah, minus the talent. Featuring: India, Cassi

That's all that was spared. Everything else I deleted from YouTube, but I might still have it on my laptop. 

13 September 2010

Who does this kid think he is?

Heh. I've always wanted to do one of these things. I've never been one to post my life for the people to see, but to hell with it. :) I'll probably end up writing these things and being the only one to read them, but that's cool. What's the first post usually like? Some kind of profile or something? Whatever, I'll do it anyway.
My name's Blake Barnes, and I live in Hicksville(Mobile), Alabama. I'm a junior at the University of South Alabama, majoring in Communications. Fun stuff right? I'm quite a fan of the internet, seeing as I spend a large amount of my free time browsing YouTube, Facebook, even random Twitter pages, though I refuse to ever become a "Tweeter." 
I'm not a typical Southerner. I'm pretty far from it, actually. I listen to Britney, Gaga, Kelly, TLC, Beyonce, Katy Perry. That's kind of normal, though. It really gets weird when you dive into what I mostly listen to: K-Pop. The K stands for Korean. Do I know Korean? No. Can I understand them? No, but I can pick up on a few words. Can I read Korean? Yes. Will Korean help me in every day life? No, I'm pretty sure it won't, even though I've wanted to go abroad and be a travelling Journalist, that's a short lived dream. 
That's where the nerdy side of me comes in. I love Asian things. The culture, the writing, the music, the food, the clothes, everything. Idk why, I'm just weird. Even Asian movies. I'll admit I did have an anime stage.
Movie-wise I have two favorites that are very different from each other: Horror and Chick Flicks. I love a good Zombie movie, and I love one of those everything-always-works-out-the-way-we-all-wish-our-lives-would movies. 
So that's me, and now it's time to speak to an imaginary audience and say "I hope you see you guys back here :D"