15 September 2010

"I'm Mrs. She's-Too-Big-Now-She's-Too-Thin."

So my friend Stephanie and I have decided to commit ourselves to escaping the life of the fatass. Here I go talking to my imaginary audience, but whatevs. 
Why? Well, many reasons. It sucks to be the elephant in the room, quite literally sometimes, to be one getting passed by all the "skinny bitches" hoofing it to class while you're praying that you can make the last step without toppling backwards and causing a massive pile up of bodies at the base of the stairs.  For these reasons we've decided to cut what we eat, kill ourselves in the gym three- to four days a week, and bitch the other out if the diet is violated.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, not really. The bitching part is probably the easiest. Well, not so much.. See, Stephanie lives in New York, which I so clearly do not. 

--holy crap something just knocked on my window and scared the crap out of me--

Anyway. The two of us are going to attempt to blog about how it's going and how much it sucks and everything. Thing is,  I've kinda got a head start - I'll act like my imaginary audience knows me and that I've lost ~50 lbs in the past 8 months. If they didn't they do now. kthxbye.
Luckily, I've found a gym partner! Hopefully I can keep up with him because I'm pretty sure he won't have a problem keeping up with me. 

--random/disgusting fact but my hands smell disgusting from picking up millipedes in Daniel's apartment. grosss. --

We were going to start today but I didn't feel like waking up, and Daniel didn't want to start the gym until next week. I had planned to go at 6 a.m., but I'll adjust that for him. Easier on me, that's for sure. Only problem is I'm not sure if I can do MWF after Geology because I'm supposed to be at work at 12:15 on Mondays. Bummer. Oh well, we'll work out the kinks later.

So, thus marks the beginning of what's sure to be a bumpy ride. :)
Thank you for listening, imaginary audience.

.. this could actually make public speaking a little easier. woooot. 

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